Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lake Sonoma #2 Moved Up To 4/23/11

According to the powers that be Carlos:

There is a small list of really awesome events that we try to avoid conflicting with.  The two that come to mind happen to be the two that I try and race every year–The Napa Valley Dirt Classic and the Shasta Lemurian.  Pure awesomeness. Oh yeah, that pretty rad Grasshopper Adventure Series is also going on 4/30 for those of you roadies sticking in town.

SO… The Lake Sonoma Series #2 is being moved 1 week EARLIER to April 23rd to avoid being in conflict with the Shasta Lemurian which we previously thought was on the 23rd but is actually on the 30th.  Switcheroo!

Lake Sonoma is now next Saturday.  Make a note of it, and be stoked your racing calendar is so full of options!

Via Bike Monkey Magazine. The calendar is updated to reflect the new date.

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