A few loyal readers have been asking "Can I add the NorCal MTB race list on your sidebar to my blog ?"
To which I am answering "Why, yes you can Virginia" even though I doubt any of my readers names are actually Virginia.
For those of you rocking a blog on Google's Blogger (like this very blog), I've made things super easy. Just click the button below and it will auto-magically add it to your blog.For those of your using another blogging software, it's a bit harder. In fact, you kinda need to be a bit of an expert. You will need to find a way to add something to your sidebar (usually a item called "HTML/Javascript") and then put this code inside it:
<div id="mtbcalendar"></div>
<script src="http://www.mtbcalendar.com/javascripts/basicwidget.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="http://www.mtbcalendar.com/tags/norcal.json?callback=eventCallback&future=1" type="text/javascript"></script>
If this doesn't make any sense to you, or if you are having problems, feel free to drop me an email (see the top of the sidebar for my email) or visit this webpage.
Thanks. Good idea. I just added it, and have already been thinking about inputting a google calendar for all events, so this will be great to compliment it.
Actually, the mtbcalendar.com application also provides iCal feeds too. Just go to "other calendars" >> "add by URL" and put this URL in the box:
This will display all NorCal events in the mtbcalendar.com database. It will also update as new events are added. You can also get calendars for other areas (or all areas).
I will try and write some more formal instructions this weekend.
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